Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Digital technology and Education Research Proposal

Digital technology and Education - Research Proposal Example At the same time, the institutions of higher education learning have been challenged to respond to the needs of globalization, as well as the knowledge economy in order to prepare the competencies and skills of the 21st century which require changes in teaching practices and curriculum. This has created demand for competence and more transparent performance and accountability in research and teaching. Nevertheless, some policy makers perceive digital technology as an effective tool that will help in managing most of the changes and will act as a transformative tool in both teaching and learning. The 20th century has witnessed massive globalization of education. For instance, the total high education enrolment worldwide stood at 100 million in 2000s. This was 200 times higher than the enrolment at the beginning of 20th century. The number is estimated to reach 125 million by 2020. This globalization is normally characterized by huge diversification of the student enrolment since even the student from low economic backgrounds can work as part time students. Internationally, there has been massive enrolment of students especially in UK, US, New Zealand, Canada and Australia. The students normally demand flexibility in teaching and learning processes. The traditional school leavers demand more flexibility in their formal education, hence the name â€Å"digital native† grown and matured with the digital technologies and are still surrounded and immersed in digital technologies in their daily activities. Therefore, the current research will investigate the effects of digit al technology on today’s business. Today’s students have not changed just incrementally from the traditional ones but have changed in slang and styles when compared to the previous generations. There has been a big discontinuity that has fundamentally changed things until it is absolutely impossible to go back. This discontinuity

Monday, October 28, 2019

Online Learning V.S Traditional Classroom Learning Essay Example for Free

Online Learning V.S Traditional Classroom Learning Essay I think whether it is online learning or traditional class learning both should be taken into consideration when planning to further education. I personally did not consider the facts when I decided to further my education. I had started out in a traditional classroom but soon after realized it was not the right choice. It was hard to fully apply myself when I was attending a traditional classroom because I was a working wife and mother. Online learning and traditional learning will show that both of these are great options depending on who the student may be and which educational program the student has chosen. Online learning and traditional learning each have their merits and faults. Online degrees have become a perfect option for individuals who may not be able to enroll in a traditional classroom. When you compare the two learning classes, the biggest difference is that students studying online have the flexibility to attend classes at their own pace and time. In a campus-based classroom they require that students attend class a certain number of times every week, at specific times. Traditional class learning may not be the option for people who have children or work long hours. Learning online would be a better option for these people because they can make their own schedule for when they will attend class. Both online and traditional classes give students the opportunity to interact with other students and their professors. With a traditional classroom you can interact with students and professors face -to -face. In online learning there is no face- to -face interaction with classmates or instructors. Online learning interaction can consist of chat rooms, e-mail, main forums, and over the telephone. Traditional class students have a better advantage of understanding the materials because they can have that one –on- one time with the instructor face- to -face. It may be a little harder for online students to grasp the materials because they do not have that face- to -face interaction. Online learning and traditional class learning work assignments are similar and different in their own ways. In both online and traditional learning classes you still have assignments that have to be completed by a certain time. In the traditional class your assignments are done on paper and with online learning you have to submit your assignments on the computer. Also with traditional class learning one has the opportunity to present in front of their classmates, while online students do not have that option. They are only able to present their presentations to the instructors. In both classes you still have homework and you have to participate in class. Online learning requires you to participate and attend class a certain number of times but there is no specific times or days. They have the option to decide when that will be but with traditional class you have to attend class every day you are scheduled and participate every day. Earning a degree at a traditional college can be very expensive but obtaining a online degree can be a lot less expensive for students. Exceptionally less, but they offer students the same loan and grant benefits offered at a traditional college. Online schools and traditional schools offer the same financial aid packages. Students who attend a traditional class usually have to pay traveling cost and living cost. Online learning students do not have to pay these extra costs because they are learning from home and that requires no traveling. Also with online schools you do not have to pay for facilities like residence halls, dining halls, gyms and libraries. Most provide access to virtual libraries and some even have partnerships with local facilities. There are many similarities and differences between online learning and traditional class learning. The facts show that both are great options to consider, depending upon the person and his or her day- to- day schedule. One method to determine how well online learning and traditional class learning might work for you is to consider the benefits and disadvantages of both. Researching and planning ahead can help a person in deciding which would better fit his or her needs. I have found online learning to better fit my needs because I can make my own schedule concerning attending class. I am a mother and wife so I have many responsibilities and this option gives me time to take care of my household while still being able to obtain a degree at my own pace. Do the research to see which one is the right option for you at this time in your life. Most people think that their decision to go to college only affects them but it affects your family also. You have to still be able to do for your family and handle your business at home. I also suggest if you are attending a traditional college and it seems to be too overwhelming for you at times you should really consider trying the online learning. Becoming successful in life depends on the choices you make throughout life, whether they be good or bad choices. So choose wisely which learning class be it online learning or traditional learning is right for you and your family.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Glare of Fashion in Vanity Fair Essay -- Vanity Fair Essays

Glare of Fashion in Vanity Fair I fancy the doors to society guarded by grooms of the chamber with flaming silver forks with which they prong all those who have not the right of the entrà ©e...the honest newspaper fellow....dies after a little time. He can't survive the glare of fashion long. It scorches him up, as the presence of Jupiter in full dress wasted that poor imprudent Semele&emdash;a giddy moth of a creature who ruined herself by venturing out of her natural atmosphere. (657) With this sentiment in mind, Thackeray expresses his conception of the danger present when one attempts to step outside of their inherent social strata. Through depicting a world devoted to upholding the inflexible codes of society, Thackeray creates an appropriate backdrop for his humorously satirical novel Vanity Fair. At the heart of this work, the avaricious Becky Sharp, born of common blood, fights against traditional precincts by "venturing" (657) outside of her proper environs and entering into an elevated climate where the credulous yield unquestioningly to her will and the skeptics scorn her with cold indifference. Determined to secure a place in genteel society, Rebecca, disregarding the standards of society, manipulates the naive by engaging in hypocrisy and subterfuge while blinding those who doubt her with an unconquerable charm. Clearly a perfectionist in the art of deception, Becky Sharp, a young woman with serpentine sentiments, slithers her way into the aristocratic society that composes the hollow cortex of Vanity Fair. With unremitting cupidity, Becky exploits all those she encounters for the sole purpose of ameliorating her own situation, both financially and socially. Commencing her mission... ...little earthenware pipkin, you want to swim down the stream along with the great copper kettles...lookout and hold your own! How the women will bully you!" (613) Substantiating Lord Steyne's foreboding, with frigid indifference the ladies at his soirà ©e slight Becky, thus proving that she can never fully advance into their milieu. In view of this, Becky, one step away from pushing open the doors to social dominance, fails. Charms and beauty only carry the unwealthy so far in the world of Vanity Fair, thus Becky remains locked out of the room to which she dedicated her life to gaining entrance. Outstripped by the pretentious peerage, Becky's quest for status reiterates the insuperable fact that one without fortune or noble ancestry "can't survive the glare of fashion long" (637). Thakeray, William Makepeace. Vanity Fair. New York: Bantam Books, 1997.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Compare and Contrast ‘The Chimney Sweeper from Songs of Innocence and Experience’ Essay

Even though, a hundred and seventy nine years later, lying in his grave, William Blake is still one of the best influences in poetry and even daily life today. Blake’s work, unrecognised during his lifetime, but now is almost universally considered that of a genius. Northrop Frye, who undertook a study of Blake’s entire opus, ‘What is in proportion to its merits the least read body of poetry in the English Language.’ Blake was born into a middle class family in 1757. The bible, being one of the most worshipped yet most feared artefacts in Blake’s time, was his biggest influence in his work, and was to be his biggest influence until the day he died. As Blake matured into a budding poet, artist and engraver, his parents were with him every step of the way. In 1782, Blake married Catherine Boucher, a girl he respected, loved, needed and most importantly, shared a passion in his work. Blake abhorred slavery with a passion, he also believed strongly in racial and sexual equality, but in Blake’s era, both racial and sexual equality was as good as impossible. ‘ As all men are alike tho’ infinitely various.’ [William Blake.] Blake believed that innocence and experience were the two contrary states of the human soul, and that true innocence was impossible without experience. The disastrous end to the French revolution caused Blake to lose faith in the goodness of mankind. As religious as Blake was, he believed there was some kind of bad side to religion; he believed that children lost their innocence through exploitation from a religious community that put dogma before mercy. In this essay I will explain why Blake believed that religion caused a corruption in the innocence of children and also I will compare both innocence and experience Chimney Sweeper poems and see how different they are to each other, and how similar they are in a different sense. ‘Songs of innocence’ contains poems written from the perspective of children or written about them, children being a key meaning of innocence. In ‘The Chimney Sweeper from Songs of Innocence’ the whole thing is basically a summary of Blake’s hates, Child Slavery, Death and the Dark Side of Religion. It also includes a lot of description of black imagery, black representing the soot. In stanza one, it tells us the story of when the child (who is telling us the poem) is brought into life, and sold off when he could barely cry, and brought up into a life full of poverty, and poor living. Blake ends the first stanza with a very harrowing way, ‘so your chimneys I sweep and in soot I sleep.’ This line is supposed to make readers feel tense, as if to think, these children must have had a hard life. In the second stanza, Blake describes a young boy in the name of Tom Dacre, about how he cried when he got his head shaved, his hair ‘curled like a lambs back.’ The fourth line, ‘† Hush, Tom! Never mind it, for when your head’s bare, you know that soot can no longer spoil your white hair.†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ This gives out a sense of a childish like security, full of pure innocence, yet strong in emotion as the young narrator comforts little Tom. Toms white hair, that curled like a lambs back has some sort of message in it, lamb and white mean pure and innocent, maybe this is showing the innocence in these little children. In The third stanza, Tom goes to sleep and has a frightful dream that all of the chimney sweepers were lying in locked black coffins. This is telling us that Tom is scared; he feels locked up, he cannot show his inner self, and he wants out. The fact that his friends were in these coffins shows his fears, that he fears losing the only people he can love in his life. The coffins of Black could represent the fact that the whole poem, is about chimney sweepers, and the colour black is related to them. Black is also a colour of fear, death and evil, this represents the life in the times of chimney sweepers. In the fourth stanza, His dream takes a turn, and an angel opens all the locked black coffins with a golden key, and all the chimney sweepers are set free. They are able to cleanse themselves in the river and play in the bright sun. Dreams represent something; they represent messages and meanings, and even can become reality at some point later in life or even soon after the dream has occurred. This dream that this child had, is a message of power, but also comfort at the turning point, it is saying that it is all going to be okay, the bright key is telling us that tom wont be locked in this embrace for his life, and the brightness encourages warm and strength for him to keep going, ‘then down a green plain leaping, laughing as they run and wash in a river, and shine in the sun.’ this is showing that there will be good times in his reality. They are able to forget for a moment about their lives that are doomed with work and poverty. In the fifth stanza, it says still dreaming and playing among the clouds Tom is told by the angel that if he is good, God will always take care of him. Tom then awakes from the dream, and though his situation has not changed, tom does as he’s told to, and in his heart understands that everything happens for a reason. The nakedness of the children could represent vulnerability. In this poem, these children’s main source of TLC is God, god is their parents, their teacher and their love, after a dream Tom is confronted by the fact that God is his father and he no longer feels alone. Even though tom has been plunged into this chimney sweeping job he doesn’t want to do, he knows he has no choice, just to grin and bare it, and now he can do what the narrator did to him, comfort others in hard times and not neglect them in moments of tribulation, and he can say he actually understands how they feel. ‘The Chimney Sweeper from Songs of Experience.’ This poem clearly denounces the church, †where are thy father and mother, say? They have both gone up to the church to pray.’ This child’s parents have left this venerable little thing in the cold, crying, full of soot, wanting love. In stanza two, it describes this child as being happy, why happy? Because it feels free. ‘They clothed me in the clothes of death’ these clothes of death is the clothing of a chimney sweeper, that is the impact on this child, that’s what Blake is telling us, that being a chimney sweeper at such a young age, can kill. ‘And taught me to sing the notes of woe’ this could emphasize the lords prayer, or some form of holy/religious prayer or hymn. The fact that this innocence is pursued by this experience, because of all this religion, compared to ‘The Chimney Sweeper from Songs of Innocence’ this religion is black, its incontinent, as if its worshipping the devil instead of god. In the last stanza, it pieces the whole poem together, the narrator is saying that ‘because I am happy and dance and sing, they think they have done me no injury’ he is telling us that he dances and sings to keep himself occupied from thinking of bad things, like the fact that this job he is in is so bad and he has no freedom at all, only the freedom to dance and sing, but it gives people the wrong impression, as if he is happy in this job. ‘And are gone to praise God and his priest and king, who make up a heaven of our misery’ this last catching sentence is implying that they have gone to church, free of these children they gave birth to, and are rejoicing in their names, the king who is supposed to look after his society, is doing nothing, the children’s parents, who should be there for their children, are praying to god, thinking their children are fine in their jobs, and what this poem is implying, unlike ‘The Chimney Sweeper from Songs of Innocence’ that god is enjoying their pain and misery. Even the churches don’t care about these children. Blake scorns not only these children’s parents, but god also, god is the guardian of children, and he’s supposed to look after them but actually, they collaborate with these wrong doings and slavery of children. I think both poems are completely different from one another in some ways, like the fact that the moral of these poems are the same, to give us a message that these children are in suffering. But they are completely different in the fact that ‘The Chimney Sweeper from Songs of Innocence’ is conveying God in a good light, it shows religion is a good thing, and it shows innocence in all these children, and this innocent childish like feeling is there when you read it, whereas, ‘The Chimney Sweeper from Songs of Experience’ conveys God and Religion, even the King and Parents, in an evil way, it makes us feel ashamed that someone as human as us can do that to a child, and it gives you a sense of experience, like a lamb, as innocent as that is, compared to a gun, how experienced is that? Also the illustration with the poem gives off this sense of evil, with all the black, and the expression of the chimney sweeper is sad, tied down, locked up inside.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

In Jonathan Kozol Essay

In Jonathan Kozol’s novel Amazing Grace, religion plays a dominant role throughout the book. As Kozol describes the people in poverty of Mott Haven and the myriad horrible circumstances that they face everyday, religion provides their one and only salvation and solace. It is much easier to ask what these children don’t face than what they do. They face people dying daily, prolonged sickness, crime, drugs, abuse, alcoholism, asthma, poverty, dirt, dilapidated housing. They see people die horrific deaths whether it is from AIDS or a little girl falling down an elevator shaft that nobody would fix. They are denied medical care or given substandard care, which means people don’t get better. They attend substandard schools where they receive less than adequate education. What they don’t face is a lot of compassion or empathy. At a time in America when neo-liberalists would like to get rid of government control of the economy, which results in cutting social programs that directly benefit the poor, religion is their only means of hope. Incidentally, neo-liberalists do not have any problem with government subsidies or benefits for businesses. With the rising sentiment of â€Å"I didn’t breed them†¦I don’t want to feed them† (128), this nation’s poor are shoved away and hidden more and more. They are blamed for the problems they face, and less is being done to help. As Reverend Overall says of the lack of mention of 97th Street, though 96th Street is featured in tourist guides,, â€Å"The papers ignore realities like the waste burner, but they do it in a way that tends to neutralize the dangers almost instantly† (187). 97th Street is poverty, and America turns its back on these people in the name of neo-liberalism. The American public believes as Kozol states, â€Å"If only enough children, we are told, would act the way heroes do, say no to drugs and sex and gold chains and TV and yes to homework, values, church and abstinence, and if only enough good parents, teachers, volunteers, and civic-minded business leaders would assist them in these efforts, we could turn this around† (240). This again is blaming the victim, not the society who created these conditions at all. As long as the poor are hidden away in places we run from, the inequalities will continue to exist. And when faced with such an extensive list of problems, what can these people do? They can turn to religion. Religion provides them hope. Churches provide them with food and clean needles and community organizers as well. Church becomes the focal point around which their lives revolve. As Father Glenwith Miller says, â€Å"Many here a great deal more devout then people you would meet in wealthy neighborhoods. Those who have everything they want for need have often the least feeling for religion. The rich are very busy storing everything they can accumulate: wealth, power, or prestige†¦Still I think it grieves to hear of God when human beings created in His image treat other human beings like filthy rags† (78). This quote says a great deal about why people of Mott haven are so religious with a comment about the social responsibility of humanity as well. People from Mott Haven come to church in order to escape bullets and crime for a brief respite. They use church to take away the harshness and darkness of their own lives. Church is someplace where they can hope and dream for something better than they have. Kozol wants the reader to truly understand the power religion has to buoy their spirits against the rising tide they must face everyday—the guns, the violence, the drugs, the sickness, the injustice. A nightly prayer for Mrs. Washington’s children is â€Å"God bless Mommy. God bless Nanny. Don’t punish me because I’m black† (69). Others express the sentiment that god provides a better place after death or are just thankful that God has allowed them to live. Kozol asks Shirley Flowers, a friend of Reverend Overall’s, â€Å"Do your children have the same belief in God that you do? † She replies â€Å"Yes†¦They do. This family talks to God† (169). And when a student of Gizelle Luke’s is asked â€Å"Who do you look up to? , he replies I look up to God, my mother, and myself† (33). These quotes are used to show just how important religion is as a force in their lives. Father Glenworth Miles discusses the importance of God in this community. We are not literal fundamentalists here†¦We see God as a liberating force who calls us to deliver people from oppression. The apparent consensus of the powerful is that the ghetto is to be preserved as a perpetual catch-basin for the poor. It is not about annihilating segregation or even about transformation of the ghetto, but setting up ‘programs’ to teach people to ‘adjust’ to it, to show a ‘functional’ adaptation to an evil institution†¦As a religious man, I see it as my obligation to speak out against this, not to bend the poor to be accommodated to injustice but to empower them to fight it and to try to tear it down† (81). He determines it to be

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Use of Language in the Context of The Caucasian Chalk Circle Essays

Use of Language in the Context of The Caucasian Chalk Circle Essays Use of Language in the Context of The Caucasian Chalk Circle Paper Use of Language in the Context of The Caucasian Chalk Circle Paper Essay Topic: Literature The first use of language is that of the narrative language. This is used through out the performance by a character called the singer. Even though he is given a character name he does not exist throughout the play other than narrating. The first example is on page 9 at the start of scene 2. The narrator first says once upon a time which shows this is a story being told in a past tense. The narrator sets the scene for the Governor and his wife His name was Georgi Abashvilli. The scene is then set telling us about the revolution, which is taking place at this time. He tells us this by referring to deaths a time of bloodshed. He then sets the scene of the Governors past lifestyle before the revolution. We know he is describing before the revolution as he says once upon a time after each sentence. I believe this is narrated by a singer because Brecht uses techniques which let the audience know that they are actors in a role and so the audience do not believe the characters are real. He does this as he believes acting is telling a story and that the audience must know this. He does this successfully with the narrator. This is a Brectian technique which relates to alienation. This technique also gives the audience chance to become critical themselves of the performance and decide what the characters are feeling. The singer is quite a loud, over the top exaggerated character and shows this through the style of acting used. Brecht often uses exaggerated characteristics (the guest) as part of his style of writing. In this use of language Brecht also uses the narrator to use a rhetorical question. This shows the narrator is on his own and simply talking to an audience not another character. This is affective to alienation as it is showing that the narrator is telling a story not acting. When we did this work for our practical we dressed the narrator in plain black clothes so they did not looked dressed as a character. We used the technique of the guest and the narrator was very exaggerated in what he said nd told it like a story teller. He was stood centre stage and faced the audience. We used spotlight to highlight him. He also used hand movements towards the audience so they knew he was talking to them. A second piece of language is that of Simon and Grusha. I chose this one and they use subtext and metaphoric language. Subtext is trying to get across one meaning but saying another which is metaphoric. This is in scene 4 at the bottom of page 57 when Simon enters. Simon first uses subtext when he says to Grusha The door is still on its hinges? As they say. This means have you remained faithful and are still open to me but she is not. She then replays my name is no longer when it was. Simon doesnt understand then she replies When do women change their names Simon? which shows she can not tell him straight. She tries to explain she is unfaithful by name but not in bed but Simon fails to understand this and then sees Michael. Grusha then says How could I hide it? like it is her child and she says this like she was lying and it is hers but in the same sentence she says dont let it worry you it is not mine. This is acted by the character in a confused way. It is not easily understood by the audience so is helped to be understood by the narrator who every so often tells the story. Another use of metaphoric language, or proverbs, that are used at the end of the play between Azdak and Simon when they are arguing. When the horse was shod, the horsefly stretched out his leg. Which means when the horse has a new shoe, the horsefly stretches out his leg for one to. This, to the story, means that the poor take from the rich. Azdak then replies Better a treasure in the sewer than a stone in the mountain stream. This means that the governors wife may be lying but he believes it is better to pay for justice than justice itself. They then have a metaphoric argument as if to argue they are trying to prove themselves. When we performed this piece, the actors used sarcastic voices to show that it was metaphoric and meant something else. A third piece of language is the monologue which Grusha uses to talk to Michael. Firstly she sings to Michael which shows the Brectian technique of alienation again as in a real world the actors would not sing like this. She sings about Simon as it is referred to the battles. She says She then says dont throw yourself in at the front line. This is referred to Simon Chachava as she wants him to come home to her. She then says gives tips of how she wants Simon to fight so he comes home to he in front is red fire, in the rear is red smoke, stay wisely in between, as the first ones always die and the last ones are also hit, those in the centre come home. She then talks to Michael in a monologue. In this monologue she says to Michael that they much make themselves really small, like cockroaches. This is a metaphor to how she feels as she feels small and wants to escape the fact that the sister-in-law does not want her there. She then tells Michael not to cry because of the cold as being poor and cold as well puts people off. She says this as she doesnt want to look poor and wants to be respected as a person with a child without being questioned all the time.

Monday, October 21, 2019

M Butterfly Essays - M. Butterfly, Free Essays, Term Papers

M Butterfly Essays - M. Butterfly, Free Essays, Term Papers M Butterfly RIUve played out the events of my life night after night, always searching for a new ending to my story, one where I will leave this cell and return forever to my ButterflyUs arms.S (Hwang 3.3.1-4) With these words of David Henry HwangUs play M Butterfly, we realize that we have just been staring directly into the memories of Rene Gallimard. The fact that Rene Gallimard serves as the narrator of his memories in the play M Butterfly delivers an impression of the character behind Gallimard than could ever be achieved by the viewing of the screenplay. The existence of Marc in the play as seen from GallimardUs perspective, the fact that Gallimard serves as the main organizer of ideas in the play, and the differing roles of Helga in the two works all lead to very different impressions and interpretations by the reader or viewer. GallimardUs narration seems to be the most obvious difference between the movie and the play. While reading the play, the audience has an opportunity to get to know the personality of Rene Gallimard, as well as his feelings about certain topics. Such insight can be very crucial in the impression that a character makes on an audience. GallimardUs persona is very evident in the opening lines of the play. He remarks initially about the dimensions of the cell, the atmosphere, and the living conditions. Immediately, this paints a picture for the reader that is very accurate physically, and the reader sees that Gallimard is straightforward, and says what he means without very much preamble. As the opening scenes develop, we also see the side of Gallimard that is the dreamer. Rene definitely has visions of perfection, and they are demonstrated when he remarks RAlone in this cell, I sit night after night, watching our story play through my head, always searching for a new ending, one which redeems my honor , where she returns at last to my arms.S (1.3.7-11) Gallimard can be classified as a dreamer, and not only because he is confined to a prison cell for many years. He has a vision of how life is supposed to be, and feels rewarded when he conforms to a stereotype. For example, he says RI knew this little flower was waiting for me to call, and, as I wickedly refused to do so, I felt the first time that rush of power the absolute power of a man.S (1.11. 8-10) Being Ra manS is important to Gallimard, and following the so called RWestern FantasyS of having an affair with an Eastern woman is tantalizing to him. Glimpses like these give the reader incredible insight into the mind of Gallimard, which are very useful to explain later actions in the story. A narrator builds a friendship with the reader, a person that the audience can trust. We see the events from GallimardUs side of things, which are much more distorted in the play than the events that occur in the movie. The removal of the narrator in the movie leaves the viewer to develop GallimardUs personality for themselves, rather than get to know how he thinks. This puts the viewer at an overall disadvantage for understanding the true meaning behind M Butterfly. Another significant part of the play that is omitted from the movie is GallimardUs best friend from school, Marc. Marc is described as a Rwomanizing cadS (1.3. 81) by Gallimard, giving the reader an obvious first impression. He is developed as a character that is there for Gallimard in times of need, and serves as someone that Gallimard can go to in times of need. A friend like this does not exist in the movie, and the viewer gets the sense that Gallimard is very quick in decision making and has little doubt about his actions. In the play, however, we know that this is not the case. There are several cases where Marc talks to Gallimard in his head, and reasoning for decisions is explained. For example, Marc says RAll your life youUve waited for a beautiful girl who would lay down for you.....As the years pass, your hair thins and you struggle to hold onto even your hopes. Stop

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Book Designers or Book Design Templates

Book Designers or Book Design Templates Book Designers or Book Design Templates? Last updated: 2017/07/07Freelance journalist Simon Owens wrote a brilliant investigative piece on how the rise of self-publishing has led to a boom of freelance editing services. This is also true in all the other areas of a book’s production, like cover design, layout, and formatting – and is even a growing trend in marketing and publicity.Most independent authors publish with a â€Å"digital first† approach; they tend to invest less in book interior design, layout and typography because most e-readers have standard formatting whereby the reader chooses the font, size and colour. That leaves the cover design. But even with book covers, the thumbnail size of books on Amazon has prompted many authors to think twice before heavily investing in a professional cover design (where quotes can range from $200 to $2000).This tendency to cut corners on design has given birth to another possibility in the past few years: pre-made book layout and cover design templates. It has also given birth to some fantastic websites like Lousy Book Covers and Kindle Cover Disasters, but that’s another story†¦Book design  templates: Opportunities and risksHere’s how Joanna Penn put it in a blog post on DIY book cover design: â€Å"Although I personally believe in paying professionals, I’m also aware that some people want to have a go themselves, or need to because of budget restraints.†That’s the great thing about today’s publishing landscape: there are enough options out there to suit all kinds of authors, including the budget-conscious or DIY-lovers. Joel Friedlander from The Book Designer offers pre-made book design  templates. Graphic design startup Canva has a free online book cover maker. And a number of other websites offer templates and DIY tools for authors to make their own covers based on existing templates.Of course, the risk when using a template is a copyright one. If the site you purchase the templat e (or pre-made cover) from doesn't grant you the rights - or an exclusive perpetual license - as a result of the purchase, then they might be re-selling that pre-made cover to other authors. That's how so many authors end up with covers that look almost identical to another one out there.So, to the question: is it worth investing in a book designer with all the free tools, templates, imagery and DIY advice out there? To answer, I decided to start a little Facebook survey on two indie author groups.A Facebook surveyMost of the members of these groups are professional indie authors who take their writing careers just as seriously as a traditionally published author would. They are educated enough to know about all â€Å"options† out there.In a sample of 116 respondents:70% indicated they worked with a professional designer or design company27% indicated they did their own covers3% indicated they purchased pre-made cover design templatesNote 1: Over 50% of the DIY-enthusiasts in this survey are actually either professional designers (as well as indie authors) or well-versed enough in editorial design to produce covers of a same quality standard as traditional publishing.Note 2: Several authors (around 20) indicated in the comments that they worked with a professional designer for some of their â€Å"main† books and did the covers themselves for short stories.ConclusionsIf over 80% of authors in this sample place a high enough value on book design to consult and hire a professional, it seems reasonable to say that debuting authors should do the same. In an extremely competitive market, first-time authors who want to realistically compete with seasoned professionals would do well to note the value a professional designer can add.DIY tools offer great value to those who already possess design skills, but cannot replace or teach those skills to the uninitiated. Book design templates can be a starting point for a cover, but are rarely â€Å"just right † for the book, which means they will need to be tweaked†¦ and then we’re back to requiring design skills.The results of this mini-survey should come to readers as a relief. For a while, the rise of templates and cheap designs seemed to be leading the book industry towards more visual standardization. Indie authors continuously contribute to publishing’s diversity by blending genres, inventing new ones, and revealing new niche markets. It’s important that this pioneering diversity is equally represented in a new range of book designs.More awesome posts on book design:6 Tips for Briefing your Book DesignerBook Design in Self-Publishing: Breaking New GroundThe Perfect Book CoverWe are big believers in the value of talented professional designers.  So whether you're looking for cover design, typesetting or illustration, visit our designer's  marketplace!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

New policy on Criminal Justice, Homeland Security and International Essay

New policy on Criminal Justice, Homeland Security and International Relations - Essay Example Since 9/11 there have been many other incidents of terrorism in large metro areas, such as the London bombings of a few years ago, the more recent coordinated bombings in Egyptian hotels, the latest attacks in Afghanistan, etc., so thinking that a certain area is inherently safe is passe. This is an understandable response to an uncertain future, but it also means that national and world long-term threats often get ignored or are even made worse by myopic decisions; in everyday life, real accountable and responsible people look out for the long-term perspective despite the limiting needs of the present. Policy must concentrate on defining the community and potential disasters, the plan for the US is highlighted in terms of identifying threats so they can be stopped before disaster strikes, or managed once it strikes. Part of the plan gauging the level of disaster preparedness in the US is important. The plan of the policy I propose is to follow mandatory evacuation orders as a citizen and meet at the nearest Red Cross shelter to the community that is in question. More information about this community includes its name and address. There are instructions to meet there, and there are escape routes and evacuation routes which are posted and that people should know and follow as a mandatory evacuation. The plan also involves surveillance to catch the perpetrators while the citizens are being evacuated. Plans and policies like these are needed following the London attacks along the lines of aggressive forward progress against the international war on terror, a situation which has been ignored in the past to deleterious consequences by the media as well. That is, after the attacks on Washington and New York, the European community was similarly galvanized before being slightly put off, to say the least, by the US’s ensuing behavior and absolutist rhetoric, which not even a totally loyal media could spin, not to mention his dismissal of U.N. authority on

Global strategy case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Global strategy - Case Study Example Another way would be through the development of a good customer base through adherence to the concept of value for consumers. Indian consumers have always been bent towards being satisfied by the quality of the services offered; ‘paisa vassol’. Even though India is not developed, Tesco should make an effort of avoiding bias and should treat the customers in India just as they do in their branches in developing countries. The development of branches in cities in the states all over India would also give Tesco an edge in the market while ensuring that she is able to reach more consumers. One of the conditions for the clearance by FIPB was that she should open retail outlets in cities with populations that reach a million (Chandrasekhar, 2014 p 3). There are many cities with such populations and the vibrant establishment of branches would ensure that Tesco has access to both a huge market and gains market influence over time. Tesco would also gain an edge through the creation of a cooperative partnership with her new partner, Trent Hypermarkets. Tesco should honor the shared venture and will definitely benefit from the relationship. This will be so because Trent has experience in the market especially in India and its success in many countries lends more credence to her credentials. Trent will help Tesco understand the Indian market and this knowledge be an added advantage if other competitors enter th e Indian market. Tesco was a world leader in the global hypermarket and had presence in many nations that needed her service of grocery and general merchandise retail. This global presence that she had developed over time has a chance to be utilized in the Indian market as a name definitely sells. Tesco used the hypermarkets in different countries since this in this way; profits could be realized in the shortest periods possible. This is because customers always

Friday, October 18, 2019

Business law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Business law - Assignment Example Such professionals prevent embezzlement of funds and ensure that the business operate effectively to meet its goals. At the same time, it is advantageous to have proper power legislation systems such as the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB). The board acts as an oversight commission that manages the activities of any firm. Even though such mechanism can be adopted in the system, there is no 100 percent assurance that the system will be effective. This is based on loopholes and cartels that operate in the corporate society. With the increase in the number of corruption cases in the prosecution system, it is hard to apprehend all aggressive violators of white collar-crimes. Constitutional protections apply to different persons charged with crimes. However, this statement does not imply that a person guilty of business crimes should be given a lighter sentences than those found in burglary cases. This is based on the fact that evaluations of the accused are done prior to the sentencing. In addition, most common law criminal penalties were created in order to exercise fair trial in a court of law. Therefore, individuals should be convicted in regard to the magnitude of their judicial cases (Twomey & Jennings,

Monitor and improve customer service Assignment

Monitor and improve customer service - Assignment Example The firm is expecting at least twice the number of waiting calls in relation to the calls that are active (Tugnoli ). The indicator will focus on the number of calls that will lead to the resolving of a particular problem as put forward by the customers. The institution will need at least ten calls from the consumers in order to look into a particular problem (Parmenter). The number will eliminate any doubts in the existence of the problem. The perspective will focus on registering the opinions by customers about the provision of the services by the agents of the business entity (Kerzner). The feedbacks will ensure the apprehension of consumer needs and the upgrade as per the consumer satisfaction. The aspect will register the time that elapses when an agent attends to the client. The information will evaluate the efficiency of the workforce. The time measure will also register the ability of the institution in handling complaints. Every employee objective has a link with at least one KPI. The fact will make sure that the evaluation of the performance is simple and efficient. To be more specific, the institution will employ the unit team key performance indicator. The indicator will illustrate the ratio of the difference between the complaints that an agent handles that result to customer satisfaction against the number of the customers that are not satisfied. The KPI illustrates the performance of the human resource. The following questionnaire will focus on acquiring customer feedback as well as registering the performance from the consumers’ perspective. Any information henceforth will be confidential and shall not be available to the public. The title of the essay illustrates the possible upgrades that the customers suggest about the prevailing customer service exercises. The propositions here in also concentrate on the possible weaknesses of the program. Consequently, goes a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Lincoln Electric Business Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Lincoln Electric Business Case - Essay Example In early 1990s, the period that is focused in the case study, sale of arc welding equipments accounted for around 87% of their $853 million in total sales. As they â€Å"sold high-value, high-quality products at competitive prices and with outstanding customer service†, they were able to make even the corporate giants like General Electric and Westinghouse withdraw from the arc welding business. With such optimum success in their domestic market due to their quality products and efficient work culture or processes, Lincoln electric started having global aspirations in the early 1990s. Factors that triggered the company to take on the foreign expansion Before the initiation of its global expansion plans, Lincoln Electric actually had operations in Canada, Australia, and France. However, all the three functioned independently away from the direct influence of the Lincoln Electric’s headquarters, and so Lincoln was primarily viewed as an U.S. company. Thus, to achieve the tag of a global company, Lincoln started looking for opportunities or situations to arise. It happened first in early 1980s, when the U.S. economy faced financial slowdown. In order to survive or even succeed in those tough situations, the management put forth the idea of foreign expansion. The main argument was, if Lincoln is totally dependent on the domestic market and if that market gets affected by problems like financial slowdown, it may not have other options to survive and proliferate. Although, this idea was rejected by then top management team particularly William Irrgang, who headed Lincoln from 1965 until 1986, Lincoln had to initiate its foreign expansion plans, when the major Swedish manufacturer of arc-welding products, ESAB started making inroads into U.S. ESAB was already operating in the countries of Latin America and Far East Asia, apart from its home operations in Europe. Then, it suddenly bought two midsize arc welding manufacturers in the United States. This sho wed that ESAB had global ambitions and importantly wanted to make incursions into the U.S. domestic market, thereby capturing a sizable market share from Lincoln. To check ESAB growing influence, Lincoln â€Å"decided to take the battle to ESAB's markets in Europe and Latin America.† (Hastings 1999). Thus, to avoid over dependence on the domestic market particularly during tough financial times, to avoid saturation effect in the market, to aggressively compete with its competitor and also to look for potential opportunities in the foreign market, Lincoln decide to launch its foreign expansion plans. Thus, in 1986, after Irrgang died, his successor George E. "Ted" Willis, â€Å"dreamed of Lincoln's becoming a global power.† (Hastings 1999). Competitive advantages on which the foreign investments were based As mentioned above, Lincoln was able garner sizable market share, and achieved the tag of a successful company, mainly because it delivered quality products. They are able to do that by having optimal organizational processes, which was fully complemented by effective work force. The work force was skilled and experienced to come up with innovative and quality products in quick turnaround times. Their efficiency was further optimized by motivation programs, particularly the Lincoln’s incentive system. That system combined a bonus with piecework – â€Å"the practice of paying each factory worker on the basis of how many units he or she produces instead of hourly wages or salaries.†

China and Globalization Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

China and Globalization - Assignment Example United States recent tours in the Middle East were aimed at eliminating tariff and the creation of free trade zones through expansive trade networks agreements (Hao, 13). Additionally, in the globalization age, the two nation’s relations have enabled strong interdependent economic relationships that exist as the debtor-creditor and importer-exporter between China and the United States. These aspects have significantly enabled the two nations to resort and caution to trade diplomacy instead of engaging in military threats and retaliatory competition to resolve differences. On its part, the Chinese government has been on a mission to construct new relationship type with the big powers across the globe (Hao, 13). Currently, Eastern Asia has become a priority for the USA government after the preoccupation with terrorism decade. To date, things have changed especially with China becoming an economic, military and a technological powerhouse after the United States. These aspects are heavily posing various challenges to the U.S government. They are also raising strategic stakes for U.S government (Hao, 13). Additionally, the China government is fielding nuclear forces of the second generation an aspect that can overwhelm the United States of America missile defenses. These aspects can also strike the U.S. Alternatively, the China government is on a mission to develop computer networks and attack satellites, which the United States security and prosperity depend. In doing all these, the United States of America tends to be increasingly vulnerable to attacks from the Eastern Asia (Hao, 17). Both People’s Republic of China and the United States of America government have the wherewithal in maintaining strategic nuclear forces and the development of cyber-war capabilities and anti-satellite abilities. The two nations are eying each other’s motivation, which generally

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Lincoln Electric Business Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Lincoln Electric Business Case - Essay Example In early 1990s, the period that is focused in the case study, sale of arc welding equipments accounted for around 87% of their $853 million in total sales. As they â€Å"sold high-value, high-quality products at competitive prices and with outstanding customer service†, they were able to make even the corporate giants like General Electric and Westinghouse withdraw from the arc welding business. With such optimum success in their domestic market due to their quality products and efficient work culture or processes, Lincoln electric started having global aspirations in the early 1990s. Factors that triggered the company to take on the foreign expansion Before the initiation of its global expansion plans, Lincoln Electric actually had operations in Canada, Australia, and France. However, all the three functioned independently away from the direct influence of the Lincoln Electric’s headquarters, and so Lincoln was primarily viewed as an U.S. company. Thus, to achieve the tag of a global company, Lincoln started looking for opportunities or situations to arise. It happened first in early 1980s, when the U.S. economy faced financial slowdown. In order to survive or even succeed in those tough situations, the management put forth the idea of foreign expansion. The main argument was, if Lincoln is totally dependent on the domestic market and if that market gets affected by problems like financial slowdown, it may not have other options to survive and proliferate. Although, this idea was rejected by then top management team particularly William Irrgang, who headed Lincoln from 1965 until 1986, Lincoln had to initiate its foreign expansion plans, when the major Swedish manufacturer of arc-welding products, ESAB started making inroads into U.S. ESAB was already operating in the countries of Latin America and Far East Asia, apart from its home operations in Europe. Then, it suddenly bought two midsize arc welding manufacturers in the United States. This sho wed that ESAB had global ambitions and importantly wanted to make incursions into the U.S. domestic market, thereby capturing a sizable market share from Lincoln. To check ESAB growing influence, Lincoln â€Å"decided to take the battle to ESAB's markets in Europe and Latin America.† (Hastings 1999). Thus, to avoid over dependence on the domestic market particularly during tough financial times, to avoid saturation effect in the market, to aggressively compete with its competitor and also to look for potential opportunities in the foreign market, Lincoln decide to launch its foreign expansion plans. Thus, in 1986, after Irrgang died, his successor George E. "Ted" Willis, â€Å"dreamed of Lincoln's becoming a global power.† (Hastings 1999). Competitive advantages on which the foreign investments were based As mentioned above, Lincoln was able garner sizable market share, and achieved the tag of a successful company, mainly because it delivered quality products. They are able to do that by having optimal organizational processes, which was fully complemented by effective work force. The work force was skilled and experienced to come up with innovative and quality products in quick turnaround times. Their efficiency was further optimized by motivation programs, particularly the Lincoln’s incentive system. That system combined a bonus with piecework – â€Å"the practice of paying each factory worker on the basis of how many units he or she produces instead of hourly wages or salaries.†

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Is the Death penalty effective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Is the Death penalty effective - Essay Example An example from the history tells us that in 1975, two African American men in Florida named Freddie Pitts and Wilber Lee were granted commutation after twelve long years awaiting death-penalty for the murder of two white men. Their conviction was as a result of constrained confessions, spurious testament and an adduced bystander. After a long time of nine-years of battle in the courts, a white confessed his guilt and Pitts and Wilber were granted absolution by the governor. Had their death-penalty not been delayed due to the court-battles, they would have naively executed. The history of death penalty can be traced back to the eighteenth century (B.C) when the laws for it were established. As years passed these penalties were used all over the world to kill the guilty people. After the World War II the United States protected pregnant women, elders and children from these death penalties but did not abolish it completely. Over these years many countries have abolished it but the Uni ted States still follows it to a certain extent (Death Penalty Information Center). The proponents of the death-penalty justify it by biblical quotations to use death penalty as the ultimate punishment for murders and equivalent crimes. The bible says that the murders must be vindicated: life for life is what the bible says about murders. But the justifications presented cannot be applied in the modern world because of the ethics that apply these days. The bible’s quotation about life for life was for that time when the unjust and violent people were killing innocent and exemplary people. According to most of the people, the death-penalty should be abolished from the U.S and that the criminals must be given a chance to change themselves. Death row inmates can spend their time in the law library and interact with each other and somehow get the wind of the crime of what they have done and accept to change from the bottom of their hearts. The process of death qualification was c onstitutionally challenged in Lockhart v. McCrea on the basis that it produces unrepresentative and doctrine procumbent juries. The United States Supreme Court rejected such challenges by questioning the truthiness of the relevant social science research. But according to me, the challenges made were completely just and the government should have had taken suitable steps in order to eradicate this barbaric act from the society (Guernsey 39-42) The moral disengagement is also an aspect worth discussing in this regard. According to a study by Osofsky, Bandura and Zimbardo in 2005, they took direct words from the executioner. The executioner said that the ECG monitors are in front of him when he carries out the process. His duty is to push the syringe in the veins of the guilty and lower the heart beat of the guilty until it becomes flattened. The harder he pushes, the more flattened is the graph and once he empties the last injection, the pulse rate reaches zero indicating that the gu ilty is now dead. He adds further that it is distraught to see someone die in front of him and leaves a great impact on him even after some days. This research helps to conclude that the executioner has vivid thoughts about the incident too as it is a harsh process to be carried out (Osofsky et al 373-380). The opponents believe that death-penalty should be abolished because it is a barbaric act of murder which involves the death of an individual in a similar

Monday, October 14, 2019

Billy Elliot film text reponse Essay Example for Free

Billy Elliot film text reponse Essay Jackie Elliot is seen as a traditional man with anti feminist views. he sees that boys should be tough whilst girls should be more placid. Throughout the film Billy Elliot, the directer has created the character Jackie Elliot, a widowed father feeling the grief of the recent lose of his wife. This essay suggests that the grief could be a factor of how Jackie goes about supporting his son. The time that this film is set, is in the mid 80s. It could be that people who do not keep to the social norm are discriminated against, which is a different circumstance in todays society, where people are very unique and most people value eachothers individuality. In the town of Durham, the community has the same expectations as Jackie with gender based traditions and this may have influenced him to think this way. When Billy is taken to the boxing gym by his father, he finds out that he doesnt really like the idea of being a boxer once he steps into the ring for the first time. Billy knows his father must really want Billy to get good at this tough sport, because in this family, that is stricken with poverty; his father still manages to pay for billys lessons and does want him to achieve. they were my dads gloves, youd better take better care of them Jackie and his father were obviously unable to achieve from boxing, hes putting his last hope in Billy. Billy is aware of how his family and the community feel about boys doing ballet and has alot of courage to put their thoughts aside and just do the thing he loves. Upon finding out about Billys dancing. Jackie becomes enraged and expresses views of homophobic, Billy is determined to keep on dancing. It is not until Jackie actually sees Billy dance for the first time, that he realises that dancing might well and trully be his sons future. He sees that Billy does have talent and lowers himself into going back to work just so he can afford to take Billy to London for his audition himself. It is what mum would have wanted, throughout the film, you watch as Jackie  grieves for his dead wife, in that he hates Billy playing his mothers piano. Billy must have inherited his interest in music and dance from his mother which is probably why Jackie must have hated it at first; Billy was like his mother and it reminded Jackie of her too much. He gives into his pain by selling jewelry for his son. Jackie is most proud of his son, when at the end of the film. Billy dances out onto a big stage to perform swanlake. It takes Jackies breathe away. Overall through this film, we see Jackie, a father who does love his son. Aside from hgis traditional and antifeminist beliefs, Jackie was able to come through with great support for his son. All he wants for his son is to see him doing something he loves, even if that is dancing TEACHER COMMENTS: good, try to use lots of quotes and and examples from the film and refer back to the question throughout your essay.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Emma - Romantic Imagination :: essays research papers fc

Jane Austen’s Emma and the Romantic Imagination "To see a world in a grain of sand And a heaven in a wild flower Hold infinity in the palm of your hand And eternity in an hour." —William Blake, ‘Auguries of Innocence’ Imagination, to the people of the eighteenth century of whom William Blake and Jane Austen are but two, involves the twisting of the relationship between fantasy and reality to arrive at a fantastical point at which a world can be extrapolated from a single grain of sand, and all the time that has been and ever will be can be compressed into the space of an hour. What is proposed by Blake is clearly ludicrous—it runs against the very tide of reason and sense—and yet the picture that the imagination paints of his verse inspires awe. The human imagination supplies the emotional undercurrents that allows us to see the next wild flower we pass on the side of the road in an entirely different and amazing light. In Austenâ₠¬â„¢s Emma, the imagination is less strenuously taxed because her story of sensibility is more easily enhanced by the imagination, more easily given life than Blake’s abstract vision of the great in the small because Emma is more aesthetically realistic. However, both rely on the fact that "[t]he correspondence of world and subject is at the center of any sensibility story, yet that correspondence is often twisted in unusual and terrifying shapes," (Edward Young, 1741). The heroine of Austen’s novel, Emma Woodhouse, a girl of immense imagination, maintains it by keeping up with her reading and art because, as Young contends, these are the mediums through which imagination is chiefly expressed by manipulating the relationships between the world and the subject at hand. However, even in this, Emma’s imagination falls short. "The soul might have the capacity to take in the ‘world’ or the ‘atom’ if it weren’t for the b ody’s limitations getting in the way," (Joseph Addison, 1712). As Addison supposes, the limitations of Emma’s body keeps her from seeing the truths that her soul, if let free, would show her. One of these is that Frank Churchill, a handsome and well-bred man, is insincere and fake, while Mr. Knightley truly loves her like no other. In Emma’s love theme, Austen shows us how emotions and imagination can augment each other. "[I]t was†¦sensibility which originally aroused imagination;†¦on the other hand†¦imagination increases and prolongs†¦sensibility," (Dugald Stewart, 1792). Emma - Romantic Imagination :: essays research papers fc Jane Austen’s Emma and the Romantic Imagination "To see a world in a grain of sand And a heaven in a wild flower Hold infinity in the palm of your hand And eternity in an hour." —William Blake, ‘Auguries of Innocence’ Imagination, to the people of the eighteenth century of whom William Blake and Jane Austen are but two, involves the twisting of the relationship between fantasy and reality to arrive at a fantastical point at which a world can be extrapolated from a single grain of sand, and all the time that has been and ever will be can be compressed into the space of an hour. What is proposed by Blake is clearly ludicrous—it runs against the very tide of reason and sense—and yet the picture that the imagination paints of his verse inspires awe. The human imagination supplies the emotional undercurrents that allows us to see the next wild flower we pass on the side of the road in an entirely different and amazing light. In Austenâ₠¬â„¢s Emma, the imagination is less strenuously taxed because her story of sensibility is more easily enhanced by the imagination, more easily given life than Blake’s abstract vision of the great in the small because Emma is more aesthetically realistic. However, both rely on the fact that "[t]he correspondence of world and subject is at the center of any sensibility story, yet that correspondence is often twisted in unusual and terrifying shapes," (Edward Young, 1741). The heroine of Austen’s novel, Emma Woodhouse, a girl of immense imagination, maintains it by keeping up with her reading and art because, as Young contends, these are the mediums through which imagination is chiefly expressed by manipulating the relationships between the world and the subject at hand. However, even in this, Emma’s imagination falls short. "The soul might have the capacity to take in the ‘world’ or the ‘atom’ if it weren’t for the b ody’s limitations getting in the way," (Joseph Addison, 1712). As Addison supposes, the limitations of Emma’s body keeps her from seeing the truths that her soul, if let free, would show her. One of these is that Frank Churchill, a handsome and well-bred man, is insincere and fake, while Mr. Knightley truly loves her like no other. In Emma’s love theme, Austen shows us how emotions and imagination can augment each other. "[I]t was†¦sensibility which originally aroused imagination;†¦on the other hand†¦imagination increases and prolongs†¦sensibility," (Dugald Stewart, 1792).

Saturday, October 12, 2019

End-Stage Renal Disease :: essays research papers

This article is for people whose kidneys fail to work. This condition is called end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Today, there are new and better treatments for ESRD that replace the work of healthy kidneys. By learning about your treatment choices, you can work with your doctor to pick the one that's best for you. No matter which type of treatment you choose, there will be some changes in your life. But with the help of your health care team, family, and friends, you may be able to lead a full, active life. This article describes the choices for treatment: hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and kidney transplantation. It gives the pros and cons of each. It also discusses diet and paying for treatment. It gives tips for working with your doctor, nurses, and others who make up your health care team. It provides a list of groups that offer information and services to kidney patients. It also lists magazines, books, and brochures that you can read for more information about treatment. You and your doctor will work together to choose a treatment that's best for you. This article can help you make that choice. When Your Kidneys Fail Healthy kidneys clean the blood by filtering out extra water and wastes. They also make hormones that keep your bones strong and blood healthy. When both of your kidneys fail, your body holds fluid. Your blood pressure rises. Harmful wastes build up in your body. Your body doesn't make enough red blood cells. When this happens, you need treatment to replace the work of your failed kidneys. Treatment Choice: Hemodialysis Purpose Hemodialysis is a procedure that cleans and filters your blood. It rids your body of harmful wastes and extra salt and fluids. It also controls blood pressure and helps your body keep the proper balance of chemicals such as potassium, sodium, and chloride. How it Works Hemodialysis uses a dialyzer, or special filter, to clean your blood. The dialyzer connects to a machine. During treatment, your blood travels through tubes into the dialyzer. The dialyzer filters out wastes and extra fluids. Then the newly cleaned blood flows through another set of tubes and back into your body. Getting Ready Before your first treatment, an access to your bloodstream must be made. The access provides a way for blood to be carried from your body to the dialysis machine and then back into your body. The access can be internal (inside the body -- usually under your skin) or external (outside the body).

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Russian Revolution, c. 1910 – 1924, Sources Question

1) This question is about Russia before 1914. Look carefully at sources (A) to (F) and then answer questions (a) to (d) below. a) Study source A. What can you learn from source A about the situation in Russia before 1914? From source A we can learn that the situation in Russia before 1914 was very alarming. Strikes went up from 2000 in 1912 to 4000 in 1914. Some strikers demanded trade union rights and more and more people were becoming involved with fights with the government. 270 miners were shot dead during the strikes in Lena goldfields. b) Study sources A, B and C. i) Does source C support the evidence of sources A and B about the situation in Russia before 1914? Explain your answer. Source C supports the evidence of source A by saying that there was an increase of tension. This is shown in source a by the increasing amount of strikes and the fact that many people had been shot during the Lena goldfield massacre. Source C also supports source A because it shows that more and more people were involved in fights with the government, as source C says, ‘People can be heard speaking of the government in the sharpest of tones.' Source C supports the evidence of source B because the number of strikes and strikers in factories increased during 1910 and 1914, again, as source C says, ‘People can be heard speaking of the government in the sharpest of tones.' ii) Why were there many strikers in Russia in the years 1910-1914? Use sources A, B and C, and your own knowledge, to explain your answer. There were there many strikers in Russia in the years 1910-1914 because people were firstly becoming less scared of the Okhrana, so they were not very afraid to voice their opinion. A lot of people may not have liked how the government was running Russia; the only way they would be heard would have been through a strike. More people were also coming together, as most of them worked in horrible working conditions, with very little pay, long hours and a disturbing working environment, they must have decided to go on strike. Sales of vodka, food and fuel dropped drastically, this may have also cased many strikes as many people would have needed the money from these sales. Also, from source B we see that in 1910 the number of strikers in factories was 222, in 1914 the number of strikers in factories was 3534. The increase in strikers in factories from 1910 to 1914 may have been caused by the increased size of the factories. The factories must have employed more people thought 1910 and 19 14, so the number of strikers must obviously increase. C) Study sources D and E. How useful are sources D and E as evidence of support for the Russian monarchy? Source D: Source D shows that the ordinary people of Russia supported the Tsar wherever he went, although the public may have been doing this so the Tsar and his people will not give them a hard time, it was dangerous for the public to express their true feelings. The support shown was only a small percentage of the population, it was emotional support. The country saw the monarchy as a religion, so they have always been told to worship it. Source D is a reliable source because firstly the writer is the Tsar's sister, she was an eyewitness. Secondly, she was writing in her private diary, there would be no reason for her to lie or exaggerate anything. Also, she would have written about these events a night (after they had happened) and so she may have only been picking out the good bits and forgetting the bad bits. Source E: Source E is useful in showing support for the Russian monarchy. It shows that faith in the government is decreasing and that a revolution is becoming more likely. The writer of this source, Alexander Guchkov was the leader of the Octobrists, a party basically loyal to the Tsar and his government. If the leader of a loyal party to the Tsar and his government saw and said that faith in the government was decreasing and revolution was very likely, then it would have been true. Source E's writer, Alexander Guchkov is a more objective person than the writer of source D, the Tsar's sister who was sheltered in Russian courts and biased in the Tsar's favor. d) Study all the sources. ‘There was widespread support in Russia for the Tsar before 1914.' Use the sources, and your own knowledge, to explain whether you agree with this view. Sources A and B show that there was an increase in strikes and strikes in factories during 1910 to 1914. However, it gives a limited answer to the statement above as it mainly looks at the industrial sector. Sources C and E show that even a reporter of the Okhrana and a leader of the Octobrists (both loyal parties to the Tsar) think that the support for the Tsar is decreasing. This makes a revolution more and more likely. Sources D and F show that many people came out to see the Tsar, however, they may have done this out of curiosity as the Tsar would have been something to see, not because they supported the Tsar. They also may have come out to see the Tsar because they were scared that if they did not come out to see and appear to be supporting the Tsar, they might get into trouble with the government. Sometimes people feel loyalty to the institution, but the may not like how the government was running the country, a lot of people would have been in this possession during this time. I do not think there was widespread support in Russia for the Tsar before 1914. This is because as sources D and F shows that the ordinary people of Russia appeared supported the Tsar wherever he went, although I think that the public may have been doing this so the Tsar and his people will not give them a hard time, I believe that it was dangerous for the public to express their true feelings. Sources D and E also only a small percentage of the population of Russia, it cannot be mistaken for the majority of the Russian population. The Tsar also failed to face the peasants, poverty and workers. As the 3 categories were fitted by most of Russia's population, the Tsar was not very popular. The Tsar mainly supported the rich landowning class that was a very small percentage of the Russian population who did not need the Tsar very much. The people who needed the Tsar were the poor peasants with large hungry families (most of the Russian population), however the Tsar did not help them. This made a lot of people not to want to support the Tsar as he did not help the people in need. The Tsar was a autocratic ruler, this meant that he had complete and absolute power of Russia. A lot of people would not have liked this so the would not have really supported the Tsar.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Price, Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Activities Essay

Ferraris are a luxury good, known for their performance and prestige with prices of up to  £500,000. In this study there will be an effort to evaluate if a Ferrari would still be as desirable if it was available at  £20,000. To do this we must examine the relationship between the behaviours of consumers and price with a further examination of marketing activities. Firstly we need to define what consumer behaviour, price and marketing activities are, by understanding the consumer we can then create products that meets their wishes and needs which is vital in achieving success. An investigation of the Utilitarian (rational) consumption model will follow allowing the identification of driving factors that affect consumer’s decisions. This allows the introduction of Pricing, viewing towards perceived quality and value. The contrasting Hedonic view allows the introduction of socio-psychological factors on consumer behaviour such as personality and social class. We must appreciate our level of involvement with the product and what factors this may cause. This will allow us to fully appreciate whether the change in price will result in the Ferrari still being as desirable as when it was at a higher price. The study of consumer behaviour â€Å"is the study of the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use or dispose of products, service, ideas or experiences to satisfy needs and desires† (Soloman et al, 2002, p4). Therefore by studying what factors affect how and why consumers make these consumption decisions, marketers may be able to understand and therefore adapt to these decisions. Consumer behaviour incorporates ideas from many different disciplines such as psychology, sociology and economics. (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2000), in a marketing context we take note of all these concepts and try to come to a balanced answer. A full examination of consumer behaviour looks at how consumers maximise their utility (satisfaction) based on a cost-benefit analysis of price and product scarcity, this was thought of the Utilitarian or rational way of behaviour. (Baines et al, 2011). The key determinant is that the functional benefits must be greater than the costs exp ended. Very often we would class the cost expended as being the price paid for an item, this is a difficult term to classify but is best explained by Baines, Fill and Page (2011), (p331) â€Å"we consider price as the amount the customer has to pay or exchange to receive a good or service†. This however fails to mention that how consumers â€Å"perceive a price-as high, as low, as fair- has a strong influence on both purchase intentions and purchase satisfaction.† (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2000, p 144). For example a passenger who paid  £1 for his Ryanair flight will feel more satisfied one who paid  £71 due to purchasing at a later date. Here we look at whether a Ferrari is still as desirable at a lower price, to do this we must examine how customers affect to a change in prices, known in economic terms as the elasticity of demand. This measure how much demand will shift as a result of a change in price. To do this we can look at how in rational thinking consumers wish the be nefits to outweigh the costs, the benefits of buying a new Ferrari may be the quality and value you get for the price you paid. However as each person has a different wished level of quality we use the term ‘perceived quality’, often based on â€Å"informational cues that they associate with the product† (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2000, p145). Looking at the relationship between the perceived qualities and pricing often it is thought that price reflects quality (Baines et al, 2011). This is challenged by the aspect we take our perceived quality from many cues, not just price, such as more extrinsic values such as brand image. Therefore it can be classes that â€Å"consumers use price as a surrogate indicator of quality if they have little or no information to go on† (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2000, p150). The idea of brand image as a cue introduces the more hedonic concept of feelings, desires and perceptions into the consumer’s decision. As already discussed prices and quality are not measured in purely rational terms they encompass our perceptions of the product, price and measure of quality. Our perceptions are personal to us and it is vital for marketers to understand what factors may affect these perceptions. To do this we must understand how consumption may be irrational (hedonic) involving the â€Å"multi-sensory, fantasy and emotional aspects of consumers’ interaction with products† (Soloman et al, 2002, p37). This view stresses that we purchase products because of how they make us feel or look to others. This is sometimes classed as emotional or socio-psychological buying (Baines et al, 2011). The stark difference between utilitarian and hedonic consumption can be seen in the process of proposition acquisition. We draw up a motive for acquiring the product; this may be out of functional (rational) or desire (irrational) means. We then gather information on the product drawing up a shortlist of brands, followed by an evaluation of the proposition. When it comes to the purchase of the item it is important to consider â€Å"the personal importance a person attaches to a given communication message† (Baines et al, 2011, p 90) this is classes as the person’s involvement. As discussed in Fill (2009, p174) the characteristics involved with involvement can be seen in three phases, that of contextual elements, the influencers and the outcomes. Our level of involvement with a product can play a role in the price fairness we perceive for this product. At states of low involvement where â€Å"the purchase suggests little risk to the consumer† (Fill, 2009, p176) we require little information and use past experiences to make our decisions. However at high levels of involvement where, â€Å"a consumer perceives an expected purchase that is not only of high personal relevance but also represents a high level of perceived risk† (Fill, 2009, p 176), consumers will invest a great deal of time researching the item to reduce the perceived risk and will draw on extrinsic information and may draw more on hedonic terms. The relationship between price and involvement can be seen at both levels, at low levels price allows individuals to discriminate between low-involvement purchase decisions as â€Å"price, packaging, and point of purchase displays and promotion’s work together to cue and stimulate an individual into trying a product.† (Fill, 2009, p 180) At high levels of involvement price is not such a determining factor, with other factors playing a more significant role. Involvement does not juts affect the importance placed on price it also affects how a product is marketed to the consumer. This raises Ratchfords (1987) thoughts of involvement being linked with feeling and thinking. He sought to think how people thought about products and class them as high/low involvement and whether they were a product you bought rationally, what you thought of the product, or irrationally, how the product made you feel. In this instance the purchase of a Ferrari which would have been a high involvement/feeling product there is â€Å"a need for emotional advertising† (Baines et al, 2011, p91). With the shift in price it can be argued that the product has now became a high involvement/thinking product so more informative advertising is needed. Further links between price, consumer behaviour and price can be seen in Fill (2009, p 181) arguing that at low levels of involvement consumers will â€Å"decide upon their usual brand until they notice a price promotion† ,this then may be become there habitual buying pattern. As discussed earlier at high levels of involvement, more emotional and informative advertising is used there are many reasons for this including that factors such as lifestyle, social class and personality can all affect our hedonic consumption. In the sphere of personality there are three main approaches. Firstly the psychoanalytic approach Freud outlined how we are driven by subconscious drives in three parts our ID, Ego and Superego. It is argued that certain products are bought to fulfil our needs and urges such as the purchase of a Ferrari. The reduction of price may then not allow us to fulfil this urge. A differing approach is that of Trait theory, where we are classified by our types of personality. The purchase of a  £500,000 car may be seen as fulfilling one personality type, by reducing the price to  £20,000 the market segment may change and as â€Å"car manufacturers†¦ market products on the basis of personality types† (Baines et al, 2011, p96) this may ch ange the whole marketing process and the way this process is presented. The final school of thought is the Self Concept Approach that we â€Å"buy goods†¦ for the brand they represent and its relation to the buyer’s perception of their own self-concept or personality.†(Baines et al, 2011, p96). In this model it may be argued that price is a determinant factor as we may buy to show we can pay high prices to others. Added to this is the idea that the brand gives you a self-image therefore a change in the price can affect the branding and may lead you to a different purchase decision. The price change may also change what reference group a Ferrari would belong to it may no longer be an aspiration so may become less desirable. The change in price may however be beneficial when looking at consumer behaviour in relation to lifecycle and social class. Focussing on lifecycle â€Å"we hypothesize that people in the same stages of life purchase and consume similar kinds of products† (Baines et al, 2011, p108), a £500,000 Ferrari may fall into the stage of empty nest 1, where there is large disposable income, the shift downwards in price will allow a Ferrari to become more accessible to different stages of the lifecycle, thus making it more desirable to these groups. To conclude pricing, consumer behaviour and marketing activities are all linked. By determining whether the consumption is either rational or irrational we can investigate the level of involvement one may have with that product. This then allows us to look at how perceived values, price and quality link with the way the consumer behaves. As consumer behaviour study evolves from â€Å"early emphasis on rational choice†¦to a focus on apparently irrational buying needs† (Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982, p132) we are able to investigate other factors that may relate to consumer behaviour such as lifestyle, social class and what level of involvement is involved. As we can see in rational decisions there is a link between price and behaviour, with the benefits outweighing the costs, the same can be said at decisions of low involvement. However other extrinsic factors have to be considered when making higher involvement decisions. The decrease in price therefore may make the Ferrari more desirable if you are making the purchase at a low involvement level however at a higher level other factors need to be considered to give a true representation of its desirability. Reference List Books and Ebooks Baines, P. Fill, C. Page, A., (2011), Marketing, 2nd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press Fill, C. (2009), Marketing Communications : Interactivity, Communities And Content., 5th ed., Harlow: Pearson Education Limited Schiffman, L,G. and Kanuk, L,L. (2000), Consumer Behaviour, 7th ed., London: Prentice Hall International (UK) Limited Solomon, M., Bamossy, G., Askegaard, S. and Hogg, M. K. (2006) Consumer behaviour: a European perspective, 3rd ed., Harlow: Financial Times. Lecture Notes C18FM1 2012/2013 Online Journals Holbrook, M, & Hirschman, E (1982),. ‘The Experiential Aspects of Consumption: Consumer Fantasies, Feelings, and Fun’, Journal Of Consumer Research, 9, 2, pp. 132-140, Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 22 October 2012.

India Election

The current 1 5th Lok Sabha will complete its constitutional term on May 31 , 2014 By constitutional requirement, elections to the Lok Sabha must be held at most every five years or whenever parliament is dissolved by the president. The previous election, to the 1 5th Lok Sabha, was conducted in April-May 2009 and its term would naturally expire on 31 May 2014. The election will be organised by the Election Commission of India (EC') and are normally held in multiple phases to better handle the large electoral base and security concerns.Congress had a empathic victory in 2009 10k sabha elections . 1JPA- 2 started on a high by wining almost full majority of its own. However ,their second term has been marred with controversies and corruption allegations. starting with common wealth game scam,every few monthes saw a new scam coming out like Adarsh society scam and the biggest of all sharply in the past few years adding to the woes of common men. Cursed against black money and corruption by Ana Hazare and to some extent baba Ramdev has only added to the woes of congress. But congress is srewed and knows politics very well.They know that offence is the best way of defend. For every scam or corruption news come out ,they bounce back equally controversial news against Vival arties. Their projection of Rahul Gandhi,who is known as youth icon of India today after his appointment as vice-president of congress party. Lets see as a prime ministreal candidate may help them in their campaign build upto 2014 elections. Since the last general election, the BJP has made inroads by winning the state assembly elections in Goa and winning despite a tradition of anti-incumbency in Punjab.However, it lost control of Uttaranchal, Himachel Pradesh and its southern bastion of Karnataka. Use of technology In January 2013, the Election Commission of India announced that it would be using n SMS based alert system called Communication Plan for Election (COMET) during the election. The syst em, aimed at sending messages to the millions of government officials on election duty, was successfully deployed in the assembly polls in Goa, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand andManipur in early 2012 and in Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat in late 2012.The COMET system â€Å"uses coded text messages through mobile phones to collect data about officials, information about scheduled events like staff reaching the polling station, mock polls conducted, start of polling, oting percentages every two hours, number of voters in after voting time was over, and whether the poll party reached safely at the high security Electronic Voting Machine (EVMs) deposit centre. † The system would also send alerts to the local police in case of disturbances at any polling station Main opposition party Bhartiya Janta Party was left down and out after 2009 elections.BJPs arch enemy is not congres but BJP itself. lts leaders have failed to capitalize on core issues of price raise and corruption agai nst the congress. They shoud have learned from congress and other nd some other smaller parties,have been able to successfully use the anti miniorty tag againt the BJPfor ever two decades now. BJP has also lost a lot of mass appeal leaders over the years past popular leadrer in India Atal Behari Vajpayee has now retired from active politic. charsmatics learder and face of modern India ,Parmod MaJhan was killed in a tragic incident.Stalwarts like Govindacharya and Jaswant Singh were thrown out. Prime ministreal candidate Murli Manohar Joshi has been made to sit on the side lines with no influence on national level politics. L. K. Advani is lose to retirement years and fire brand Sushma SwaraJ hasn't proved to be a winner yet. That leaves the party with only one leadear of mass appeal,Narender Modi who may not yet able to handle national politics alone,and behind him a dark shade of communlist tag. Beside every one knows congress will play the anti miniorty tag against him quite well. BJP has also destoried its chance by not farming stretigc alliance with other parties in state. It used to have an alliance with AIADMK in Tamil Nadu and Mamta Banerjee'sTMS , IN West Bengal ,BJD in Orissa and recently JDU OF Bihar . BJPS loss has been congress gain. Third Fornt Parties: Third fornt parties have been redused to play a miniorty role at the center over the past few years. Leaders like Lalu Parsad,Mulayam Singh YadavJaya Lalta,Mayawati are no Govt. ln this case of congress.Left fornt has already become non-existent after the debaile in 2011 assembly elections and it had be highly unlikely that they,had make any come back by 2014. For the past few years, most of third fornt allies have been thob-nobbing with congress ,which raises doubt on their very existence. Third fornt was formed to combat BJP as well as congress ,but if u are going to chossse congress fter polls every time ,then won't it better for peoples to vote for congress dereibly third fornt needs to get its priorities right and decide on their future survavial options ,because as of now their future looks black.The contender's For India Election 2014 Though congress may not admit it yet,but Manmohan Singh be showen door out,and congress may be prefer to field Rahul Gandhi as its Prime Ministreal candidate in 2014. 1t may be too early for Rahul to lead nation as he has not proven his political accumen yet,but after the negative reviews UPA-2 is gathering,congress may want to hange Manmohan Singh. As for BJP the choice is only Narender Modi havng good record at regional level but no influence at national level yet. The Prime Ministreal Candidate: 1 Gandhi or Manmohan Singh. :NDA:- Narender Mod'. 3:Third Fornt:-Depends upon which party gets most seats. Slogans Of Parties: UPA:-Secularism NDA:-Hindu Rashtar OTHERS:-Rural Deviopment MANIFESTO:- UPA:-The congress president Mrs Sonia Gandhi and prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh realeasd the party manifesto,the menifestolists some promises wit h special focus on miniortes,dalits and tribal communities. Reiteraing its national rural employment gaurntee act schamethe congress has promised 100 days work for Rs 100a day,as an entitlement under MNAREGA.The congres has promised to enact a right to food law that gurantee food for all. lt has announced that every family living below poverty line will be entaitled 25 kg of rice or wheat per month at rate of3 3 per kg. The manifesto subsieded community kitchens,which will be set up in all cities for homeless peoples and migrants,with the support of the central govt. In the health sector,congress has declared that every family living below poverty line will be overed by the rashtrya swasthy bima youJna over the next three years. he party has promised social security cover for the disabaled,the elderly,urban home less,released bonded labourers,members of primitive tribalgroups and membersof the most backward dalit communites. S In order to woo the miniorites community,the congress pl ans to implement reservation for miniortes,on the basis of social and economic backwardness govt Jobs and educational institutions. The party has promised to set up an equal opportunity commission to ensure that the sachar commission recommendations are implemented and the miniortes are not deprived in any atter.The party has reterated the contenation promise of implementing33 % reservation for womens in parliament and he state legislature ,which it had to failed promised to reserve one third of all central govtJobs for womens. The congress has promised free education from primary till the university education for students from dali and tribalcommnites. continuing its incentives for the schedule castesand schedule tribe communites. To cheak communal and caste related violence,congress has proposed a law that empower the nationalhuman rights commission to monitor nvestigation and trail in all such cases.Declering a zero tolarence policy towards terrorism. The party has focused on its core areas of farmers ,womens,the socially backword sections. Through its wide range of promises,the congress is trying to projecta govt which will work on inclusive growth,encompassing all sections of society. NDA: 1,To develop a prosperous powerful Nation. 2,for stability and secular india needs a decive leader. 3,National security fear shall no longer stalk this land. 3,Engaging the world India' voice shall be heared.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Comparative Analysis of Nurse-patient Ratio Mandates for the Hospital Research Paper

Comparative Analysis of Nurse-patient Ratio Mandates for the Hospital Setting - Research Paper Example Legislation has passed in California, and will be presented in other states to mandate a specific ratio of nurses per patient that must be maintained at all times. The goal of this study is to identify a balance between adequate levels of nurse-personnel while maintaining hospital efficiency both in terms of cost, and the time-resources of medical professionals. A Comparative Analysis of Nurse-Patient Ratio Mandates For the Hospital Setting INTRODUCTION The possibility of nursing shortages is a relevant concern for hospitalists, patients, and the general public alike. Years past have produced numerous concerns of under-staffed, overburdened hospitals as a barrier to adequate care. This paper will endeavor to examine the conventional wisdom that more patient responsibility will yield lower quality care from nurses and other healthcare professionals; and the extent to which such a decline in patient outcome can be quantified. But is is true that patients will receive better care, with fewer medical errors under a system of precise nurse-patient ratios? Are nurses doing a better job under such a system? How would such a change extend to doctors and other medical practitioners? Over a dozen states are now considering some form of mandate that will enforce specific ratios of nurses for every patient under the hospital's care, it is worthwhile to examine critically the available research on the balance between caregiver and patient. It is in the interest of everyone to seek the ideal balance between nurse staffing levels and the cost-effective management of the time-resources of medical professionals. CASE STUDY â€Å" Celeste examined the patient's chart; she had to remind herself that Mr. McGillicuddy wasn't just a disease; he was a case of full-blown nephrotic syndrome; based on the protein-cysts found in his urinalysis, plus a chronic case of trigeminal neuralgia on top of that. Oh, and a living. breathing person. But with his age and prognosis, personhood would n't cut much slack with the transplant committees. The experienced Nurse was not optimistic that he would retain his living status much longer; in part because the very lab results that Celeste found so damning took as long as they did to arrive; compounding the bad news they were reporting. On the one hand, in preparation for the new regulations mandating more nurses for every medical center in the county, patients would get more attention from nurses like her; the problem being – a hospital as small as hers had to cut corners somewhere; so they'd hadn't been able to hire that new med-tech they'd been needing for months now. So the doctors were probably lucky to get their results as soon as they did – as late as it seemed to her. But adding more nurses was about to be required by law; not something she could whine about to the head-nurse. She patted Mr. McGillicuddy's hand in reassurance. Well, it would fall to her – and the new blood they were hiring to pick u p the slack; make up for the corners cut...† PROS More nurses equals better care; in order to ensure the best possible patient outcomes during hospitalization, nurse-to-patient ratios must be mandated by law. The correct ratio will lead to happier nurses, and healthier patients. It seems an obvious solution; more nurses certainly can't hurt, More eyes to watch over