Thursday, August 27, 2020

all quiet essays

every single calm articles Envision being in a continuous fight where companions and others are biting the dust. All that is heard are projectiles being shot, it smells like gas is close, and hearts race as the occasions passes by. This is like what war resembles. In the novel All Quiet on the Western Front, the storyteller, Paul Baumer, and his companions experience the standards of affliction, demise, agony, and depression. There is a gigantic change in these men; toward the start of the novel they are excited about going into the war. After they see what war is truly similar to, they don't feel a similar route about it. During the war the men experience numerous emotions particularly the loss of friends and family. These emotions are appeared through their first involvement with preparing camp, during the genuine fights, and in the emergency clinic. Preparing camp was the main fact of what war would have been similar to for the men. They believed that it would be fun, and they could invest heavily in shielding their nation. Their educator, Kantorek, disclosed to them that they should all join up with the war. Along these lines, practically the entirety of the men in the class selected. It was in preparing camp that they met their unfeeling corporal, Himelstoss. The men are in stun in light of the fact that he is so discourteous to them; they never felt that war would be this brutal. Paul and two of his companions are disparaged the most by him. They need to rests in the mud and work on shooting and hopping up. Likewise, these three men must change Himelstoss bed multiple times, until it is great. Himelstoss gets the youngsters through so much repulsiveness that they long for their vengeance. Himelstoss is embarrassed when he goes to tell on Tjaden, and Tjaden just gets a simple discipline. Preparing camp is likewise the principa l indication of progress in the men. From this experience they become harder, which is required while battling in a war. Likewise, they begin to see different parts of war, for example, passing and demolition. Preparing camp is only a brief look at what war truly is. Th... <!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Bible Among Myth free essay sample

Prior to at that point, Scholars accepted that the Old Testament was valid and not contrasted with some other, in any case, presently researchers scrutinized this conviction and have started to accept that the Old Testament compositions are like different religions of its day. [1] Oswalt proceeds by talking about a most significant philosophical contrast inside the Old Testament and its peers. He expresses that there is a reasonable differentiation among â€Å"essence† and â€Å"accident. † [2] Oswalt states that a mishap can be something as comparative as hair, while hesitance is a basic. To evacuate a mishap won't cause change yet to expel a fundamental, this thing will stop to act naturally. [3] - The writer sets up to the peruser the origination of legend additionally emulating the choice that researchers keep on contrasting enormously on this definition; Oswalt demands this should not deter the person from looking for a decent meaning of the word. With the goal for him to characterize this word, he list four essential qualities of a legend. We will compose a custom paper test on The Bible Among Myth or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page 1. John N. Oswalt, The Bible Among the Myths, Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2009, 11-12 2. On the same page, 13. 3. In the same place. The main trademark; humankind having next to zero inborn worth and the subsequent trademark was the overall absence of enthusiasm for authentic examinations. The third is the act of enchantment and inclusion with the mysterious. The fourth is the refusal to acknowledge obligation regarding singular activities. [4] Oswalt finishes up his presentation with a considerable case. He underscores that religious cases are indivisible from recorded cases. [5] Oswalt states that reliability must be dependent upon both the philosophical and authentic cases. On the off chance that the authentic cases are obviously bogus, at that point no trustworthiness should be given to the religious declarations, In the end, I am not upholding a â€Å"the Bible says it, and I trust it, and that settles it† perspective, despite the fact that the individuals who can't help contradicting me may contend that to be the situation. What I am supporting is a readiness to permit the Bible to decide the beginning spot of the examination. [6] CHAPTER ONE - The primary part talks about the Bible in milieu of its environmental factors and commitment to society in general. Oswalt makes reference to that there are numerous commitments to way the Western world perspectives reality. The Bible, notwithstanding, is the most significant supporter. [7] 4. In the same place, 14. 5. On the same page, 16. 6. In the same place, 17. 7. In the same place, 21. Greek Thought: The Greek rationalists of the early hundreds of years got thusly of reasoning that was to profoundly affect the western world. The conviction, in a â€Å"universe† rather than a â€Å"polyverse,† including, basic circumstances and logical results, just as non-inconsistency were three of their most noteworthy commitments. [8] Hebrew Thought: While the Greek savants were battling to communicate their perspective, the Hebrews were additionally articulating their convictions by method of the prophets. Their convictions were as per the following: There is just a single God, God is the sole Creator of all that is, God exist separated from creation, God has made himself known to his kin, God has made his will known to his kin, and God remunerates and rebuffs individuals for following or resisting his will. [9] Combing Greek and Hebrew Thought: - Oswalt states; when the Gospel of Jesus assumed the Israelite perspective, infiltrated into the Greco-Roman world, this set up for the mix of the Greek and the Hebrew perspectives in the unmistakably Christian manner. The Greeks’ sound idea joined with Hebrew people’s faith in monotheism. [10] 8. In the same place, 22. 9. On the same page, 23. 10. On the same page, 25 Oswalt contends that rationale was not totally evolved until after individuals understood that God not exclusively was the sole maker of the universe, but at the same time was totally discrete from the creation. What is most significant is that science and rationale can't remain all alone and in the event that they endeavor to, at that point this will prompt implosion. Oswalt gives a model; Hiroshima and the Buchenwald death camp and humanity’s accomplishments when it is without God’s impact. [11] CHAPTER TWO In this subsequent section, Oswalt talks about his meaning of fantasy. Anyway before Oswalt starts this definition he starts to contend the very inquiry as to the legend and why it is addressed right now. Oswalt makes reference to that fifty years back there would not be such an inquiry. Anyway by the 1960’s and as more scientists inquire about the Bible, more inquiries excited. [12] - Oswalt wishes to apply the proper order to the Bible. Unequivocally, he portrays whether the Bible ought to be viewed as a legend or not. So as to appropriately respond to the inquiry, Oswalt list a few definitions presented by researchers today. As Oswalt recorded these definitions, he likewise clarifies why he feels that they are deficient. 11. On the same page, 27. 12. In the same place, 29-30. The classification of definitions falls under one gathering referred to ashistorical-Philosophical and they are as per the following; 1. Etymological dependent on a bogus and imaginary god or occasion. 2. Sociological-Theological †the fact of the matter is viewed as relative and something is viewed as evident in the event that it is seen by others. 3. Scholarly the occasions are not seen as right or wrong. Rather, the account utilizes overwhelming utilization of imagery to communicate its significance. [13] - These definitions all make them thing in like manner which is at their center; they all have confidence in the way of thinking of coherence. Oswalt states that progression is a philosophical rule that attests that everything is ceaseless with one another. Oswalt utilizes a case of an individual being â€Å"one with the tree. † Not simply emblematically or profoundly, however. The tree is me; I am the tree. [14] 13. In the same place, 33, 36, 38. 14. In the same place, 43. Section THREE Chapter three talks about Continuity as the focal point of subject. Persisting from part two the one thing that legends share for all intents and purpose at their center is the nearness of coherence. Along these lines of reasoning is seen as everything is seen as related in some structure or style. There are three significant powers (mankind, nature, and the perfect) this is the place everything exists inside the circle. 15] The impacts of progression are various and changed in understanding. One of these impacts is taking a gander at signs in nature. The impacts are endeavored to be clarified by climate designs, floods, fire, plagues and the heavenly creatures. Different models are the impacts of ripeness and strength and the distraction of the individuals thereof. Oswalt utilizes the case of how sexuality is so integral to people’s lives today is an explanation behind this impact of progression. [16] - Finally, Oswalt manages what he feels are the normal highlights of fantasy. Barring a couple of special cases, fantasies all offer the conviction that their reality depends on Polytheism. Which is the conviction of more than one god or and numerous divine beings. The second is these divine beings as pictures. The utilization of images and symbols are accepted unequivocally so as to collaborate with nature and the awesome. The divine beings themselves are not see profoundly in truth see humble, they are not seen as real creatures. Confliction is what is required all together for the universe to advance and legends have a low perspective on humankind. [17] 15. On the same page, 48. 16. In the same place, 50-56. 17. On the same page, 57-59. Section FOUR In part four Oswalt returns to qualities of the Bible. Here he contends with the subject of amazing quality, where God (who has been in presence before the universe) communicates with all things thereof. In this Biblical manner of thinking there is uniqueness as to the cutting edge conviction frameworks from various perspectives. Anyway one must remember that the Old Testament is astoundingly self-predictable with respect to the things it keeps up about the idea of the real world. [18] Oswalt furnishes the peruser with an expand rundown of some regular attributes. Monotheism, obviously one of the most clear qualities of the Bible that stands apart among different religions. Except for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam which are for the most part straightforwardly connected from the Bible. Most different religions are polytheistic. The presence of Yahweh being the main God was a characterizing trademark for the Old Testament and the Bible in general. [19] - Another trait of the Old Testament hypothesis is that God was in presence before the all creation. All that exist is after God and God made it. Oswalt states that if the world is loaded with turmoil that it isn't because of God however the spirits of this world. Oswalt makes reference to that the Bible is a situation to demand that the issue of mankind is certainly not a grievous fatedness to fiendish, yet a soul that inclines toward malice to great. [20] 18. In the same place, 63. 19. On the same page, 64-65. 20. On the same page, 66. Section FIVE In part five Oswalt contends that the Bible is entirely unexpected from different strict compositions and is one of a kind in its self. Oswalt further examines the issues of morals, In the Ancient Near East; the non-scriptural perspectives held two arrangements of morals. One set is identified with how individuals associated with one another. The other arrangement of morals is identified with how individuals followed up on the gods. In Bible morals conduct was characterized by God and God alone and not expose to the social changes in the public eye, they obey God. [21] Oswalt examines a portion of the likenesses among Israelites and non-Israelites. A portion of the practices were very comparative. The conciliatory formal, the way of their contributions, the format of the sanctuary and sanctuary and furthermore the enhancement of the sanctuary all appear to be like those of the Israelite and non-Israelite individuals. Their acts of articulation and thought design were like where Oswalt indorses his conviction that these territories are coincidental and not fundamental to the essential personalities of the individuals. [22] CHAPTER SIX - Chapter six presents

Friday, August 21, 2020

Yes, You Can Get Fired For Having Bad Credit

Yes, You Can Get Fired For Having Bad Credit Yes, You Can Get Fired For Having Bad Credit Yes, You Can Get Fired For Having Bad CreditMost people know that employers can check your credit score while hiring you, but they can also do it while you work thereâ€"and let you go if the results are bad.If you were to make a list of things that would get you fired, where would you rank “having a bad credit score?” Surely it would be below all-time classics like “stealing money,” “calling your boss a bad word,” and “insisting that your coworkers call you Lord Fancy Pants The Fourth.” Honestly, most people don’t even realize that you can get fired for having a poor credit score.But you can! And while it’s unlikely that a lousy credit score will get you cannedâ€"it’s much more likely to stop you from being hired in the first placeâ€"it certainly can happen, especially if you’re in one of the many states that don’t restrict the use of employer credit checks.A quick refresher on creditworthiness and credit checks.Your creditworthiness is summed up by your cre dit score, a three-digit number that created using information from your credit reports. The most common type of credit score is a FICO score, which was first created by Fair, Isaac and Company in the 1980’s (they’ve since changed their name to just FICO). Your FICO score is ranked on a scale from 300 to 850â€"the higher your score, the more creditworthy you’re considered to be.Credit reports are documents that track your history of credit use. Most of the information on your reports date back seven years, but some information (like bankruptcies) can stay on your report for longer. Credit reports contain information on how much you owe, whether you pay your bills on time, the types of credit you have, recent hard credit checks, etc.There aren’t any hard and fast rules on what defines “great” credit versus “good” or “bad” credit, but there are some general guidelines you can follow. If you have a score above 720, you won’t have to worry much about having a perso nal loan/apartment/job application denied or getting slammed with high interest rates. Meanwhile, if your score is below 630, that pretty much means you have bad credit and could find yourself paying for it in all sorts of ways.When it comes to credit checks, only “hard” checks affect your score. These return a full copy of your report, unlike “soft” checks which only return a summary of your credit history. Hard credit checks are often run by potential lenders and landlords, but they can also be run by prospective or current employers. In order to run a hard check on your credit, the business in question must first obtain your express permission.Want to read more about the difference between hard and soft credit checks? We’ve got a blog for that: How are Soft Credit Checks Different From Hard Checks?Employers can check your credit before and after you are hired.When it comes to credit checks and the possibility of unemployment, you are much more likely to run into problem s while applying for a position than you are after you’ve been hired. Checking credit history as part of a background check is a fairly common part of the hiring process.Depending on how that long hiring process lasts, though, you might end up serving in the job for a while before the employer gets the results and decides to terminate you. Additionally, employers can run a credit check after you’ve been hired or if you are up for a promotion and let you go if the results send up a red flag.(Everything in this section depends on which state you live in. For a list of states that restricts how employers can use credit checks, scroll down.)One thing that’s important to note here: These pre-employment credit checks will not actually return a copy of your credit score. Instead, they will only return a copy of your credit report. This will allow employers to view, for instance, your debt-to-income ratio and your history of bill payments.Even with just a copy of your credit report, e mployers will be able to get a pretty good idea of how you have managed your debts over time, even if they aren’t given a single score to sum it all up. So if you have a bad credit score, your employment status could be at risk.While there are no defined limits on what roles can require a credit check, it tends to be much more common in certain industries and job types than it is in others. Jobs in financial industries or finance positionsâ€"especially ones where you will be handling large amounts of moneyâ€"commonly carry requirements for a credit check.Certain states and cities limit what employers can do with credit checks.If it hasn’t been made clear by now, the laws under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) that dictate employer credit checks give them a fair amount of leeway. While a current or potential employer needs your permission to run a credit check, refusing to grant them that permission pretty much means that you either won’t get the job or won’t have your cu rrent job for long.This is why 13 states, two cities, and the District of Columbia have passed laws limiting employers’ ability to check people’s credit. According to the good folks at Microbilt, an alternative credit reporting agency, the following areas have laws designed to rein in how employers use a person’s credit information:CaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareHawaiiIllinoisChicago, IllinoisMarylandNevadaNew York City, New YorkOregonPhiladelphiaPennsylvaniaVermontWashington StateWashington, D.C.While the specifics vary from state to state (or city to city), many of them limit credit checks to managerial positions, finance jobs, or public safety officers. Some also limit what decisions can be made with this information, while a few of them outright ban the practice entirely. If you live in one of these areas, you can read more about your local laws in Microbilt’s report: State Laws Limiting Use of Credit Information For Employment.When you have bad credit, an unexpect ed bill can mean turning to predatory no credit check loans like payday loans, cash advances, and title loans in order to get by. That parts pretty obvious. And yet, bad credit can also affect your life in so many more additional ways.  For more information on how a bad credit score can negatively impact your everyday life, check out these related posts and articles from OppLoans:How Bad Credit Can Affect Your UtilitiesShopping for Furniture with a Bad Credit Score? Here’s What You Need to KnowCan Bad Credit Keep You From Getting That Apartment?Have you ever been fired or not hired because you failed a credit check? We want to hear from you! You can find us  on  Facebook  and  Twitter.Visit OppLoans on  YouTube  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  LinkedIN

Monday, May 25, 2020

John Collier and the Indian New Deal Essay - 2960 Words

John Collier and the Indian New Deal At the beginning of the 20th century, Native American culture was on the edge of extinction. Indians were at the bottom of the economic ladder. They had the lowest life expectancy rate, the highest infant mortality rate, the highest suicide rate and the highest rate of alcoholism than any other group in America. The Meriam Report of 1928, an 872-page study, laid the blame at the foot of the Federal Government. When President Franklin Delano Roosevelt took office 1933, a series of major reforms were implemented that would later come to be known as the â€Å"Indian New Deal†. An important chapter in contemporary Native American history was about to begin. This essay will outline the major elements of the†¦show more content†¦Taking his first step toward reform, Collier convinced President Roosevelt to abolish the Board of Indian Commissioners, an agency created during the Grant Administration to oversee the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The board long dominated by supporters of land allotment and assimilation policies, was a major obstacle to reform. Elimination of the agency was a deft political maneuver that allowed Collier a freer hand in implementing Indian New Deal policies. Soon thereafter, Collier pushed through Congress the Pueblo Relief Act of 1933. The measure provided additional payments to Pueblos and settlers who were inadequately compensated by the Pueblo Land Act of 1924. This marked a successful conclusion to a battle Collier had fought in previous years and the first of many legislative triumphs. As outlined in the Meriam Report of 1928, reservations in Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Montana and Washington were in dire need of conservation programs. Responding to these problems, Collier and Congress established the Indian Emergency Conservation Work (IECW) program, which provided $5.9 million dollars for the establishment of seventy-two work camps on over 30 reservations. The program employed Native Americans during the worst of the depression while at the same time allowing them to stay close to their families. With the support of the President firmlyShow MoreRelatedEssay on American Indians and World War II1345 Words   |  6 PagesCitizenship Act and the Indian New Deal. Alison R. Bernstein examines how the Second World War affected the status and lives of Native Americans in American Indians and World War II: Toward a New Era in Indian Affairs. Bernstein argues that natives’ experiences in the military and munitions factories reduced isolation by getting them off of reservations and increasing their contact with mainstream American society. 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Read More The Life and Contribution to the Development of the British Empire of James Cook5135 Words   |  21 Pagesthe 18th century when James Cook, originally a poor farm boy, explored and mapped vast uncharted areas of the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean. However, James Cook was not ‘only’ an explorer. He can also be called a scientist – he managed to introduce new principles into seafaring and cartography. For better understanding, the paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which throws light on the purpose and structure of the paper. The second chapter is a brief introductionRead MoreImpact Of Colonialist Values On Perceptions Of Native Americans1556 Words   |  7 PagesThe Impact of Colonialist Values on Perceptions of Native Americans in Green Grass, Running Water Green Grass, Running Water by Thomas King largely deals with the consequences of the conflict between Native American values and colonialist foundations. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Male And Female Sentencing A Look Into Alternative...

Female V Male Sentencing A Look into Alternative Sentencing Ritchey, Christian American Military University Author Note This paper was prepared for CRMJ201. Abstract With incarceration rates rising and jail and prison populations at an all-time high, alternative sentencing is being used more often with non-violent offenders. This paper looks at male and female incarceration rates, the use of alternative programs for sentencing between the two and the effectiveness of such programs. During the paper we will analyze sentencing differences between male and female offenders. We will also analyze the use of alternative programs for sentencing and their effectiveness. Female V Male Sentencing A Look into Alternative Sentencing The sentencing†¦show more content†¦These A look at statistics According to the 1998 Census Bureau (which was revised in 2000) female offenders made up 51.6% of the population while male offenders made up 48.4%. This indicates that women account for more than half of the population age 10 and older. ( In order to look further into alternative sentencing we need to ask ourselves: 1. What is alternative sentencing? 2. Who is eligible for alternative sentencing? 3. What is the goal of alternative sentencing? 4. Does it work? What is alternative sentencing? â€Å"An alternative to incarceration is any kind of punishment other than time in prison or jail that can be given to a person who commits a crime†. ( These types of â€Å"punishment† have several benefits. They can help provide things for communities, lower prison and jail costs, help rehabilitate and treat offenders who are addicted to drugs or are mentally ill. Some forms of alternative sentencing are drug-court, probation, house arrest, community service, half-way houses and fines/restitution. Drug-courts are special branches of courts that exist within courts that already exist. Drug-courts provide offenders with court supervised treatment. Probation/parole allows the offender to be â€Å"free† of incarceration, but, keeps the offender from leaving the community. While on probation/parole the offender will have to report to the probation/parole officer. This keeps the offender accountable and helps deter them

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Question Of Being Is The Darkest Of All Philosophy

The question of being is the darkest in all philosophy.† So concluded William James in thinking about that most basic of riddles: how did something come from nothing? The question infuriates, James realized, because it demands an explanation while denying the very possibility of explanation. â€Å"From nothing to being there is no logical bridge,† he wrote. In science, explanations are built of cause and effect. But if nothing is truly nothing, it lacks the power to cause. It’s not simply that we can’t find the right explanation—it’s that explanation itselffails in the face of nothing. This failure hits us where it hurts. We are a narrative species. Our most basic understanding comes through stories, and how something came from nothing is the†¦show more content†¦The ancient Greeks suggested that empty space is filled with substance—a plenum, an ether. Aristotle conceived of the ether as an unchanging fifth element, more perfect and heavenly in its invariance than earth, air, fire, or water. True nothingness was at odds with Aristotle’s physics, which said that bodies rise up or fall down as dictated by their rightful place in the natural order of things. Nothingness, however, would be perfectly symmetric—it would look the same from every angle—rendering absolute spatial directions like â€Å"up† and â€Å"down† utterly meaningless. An ether, Aristotle figured, could serve as a kind of cosmic compass, an ultimate reference frame against which all motion could be measured. For those who abhorred a vacuum, the ether banished every last trace of it. The ancient ether stuck around for millennia until it was re-imagined in the late 19th century by physicists like James Clerk Maxwell, who discovered that light behaves as a wave that always travels at a particular speed. What was waving, and speed relative to what? The ether was a handy answer, providing both a medium for light waves to travel through, and, as Aristotle originally imagined, a reference frame against which allShow MoreRelatedThe Philosophical Community As The Father Of Existentialism787 Words   |  4 PagesSoren Kierkegaard is known, almost universally, in the philosophical community as the Father of Existentialism. His works all seek to answer a fundamental question of existence, one that plagued humanity since the times of Aristotle and beyond; How should we life our lives? More specifically in his publication, Either/Or, Kierkegaard introduces two life philosophies, one of the aesthetic and one of the ethic. These viewpoints, argued and symbolized by two charact ers, â€Å"A†, and Judge Wilhelm. KierkegaardRead MoreWhat Makes People Happy?836 Words   |  4 PagesHappy? 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Because of something he put together and gave life to, his entire life andRead MoreQuestioning the Sanity of Hamlet in Shakespeares Hamlet, Prince of Denmark987 Words   |  4 Pagesincreasingly question the sanity of the protagonist, Hamlet, as the play continues. His seemingly psychotic banter with the other characters of the play begins to convince us that Hamlet is, indeed, insane. Hamlet, however, states, â€Å"How strange or odd soe’er I bear myself, as I perchance hereafter shall think meet to put an antic disposition on† (1.5.171). He specifically tells Horatio and Marcellus that he will be acting mad, as a front. Hamlet has an exceptional grasp on mental philosophy and theRead MoreAlex Thompson : A New Man And Track Here At William Woods1287 Words   |  6 PagesAlex Thompson is a Freshman Business Administration major who also runs both cross country and track here at William Woods. Besides being a National qualifier in Cross Country in his first ever collegiate season, Alex is a very interesting character whenever it comes to his worldview. He is the type of guy that lives life to the fullest and always has a smile on his face and enjoys everything he does. Alex comes from a â€Å"very religious† Catholic background, as he informed me. He informed me that heRead MoreSlaughterhouse Five: A Warning Against War Essay1716 Words   |  7 Pagesthrough a comparison and contrast between the Tralfamadorian world and philosophy and Billy Pilgrims existence and war experiences. Slaughterhouse-Five is filled with scenes that seem absurd and ridiculous and invite the reader to chuckle; Tralfamadore falls short to the appeals of human reason and logic, highlighting the war scenes that also fall short to the englorious posters of military propaganda. Billy Pilgrim embodies all the characteristics that are not desirable in a soldier; his appearanceRead MoreBeowulf Grendel Synthesis essay1603 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿Pretending Not To Care Friedrich Nietzsche once said, â€Å"What does nihilism mean? That the highest values devaluate themselves. The aim is lacking; ‘why?’ finds no answer†. Nietzsche reasons that when a society values anything—an object, a person, or a philosophy—it becomes a challenge to see who can obtain it, and those who cannot, form this idea that the value is pointless. He goes on to say that while those who cannot obtain it may act like they don’t care about this value, they still ask ‘why?’ to try

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

First Year of College free essay sample

Students have to adjust to their new living arrangements, like living with a new roommate. Living with a roommate can be a great college experience. College brings a unique opportunity to meet new people from different cultures and backgrounds. Making new friends can help students adapt to their new environment. Students sometimes are unsure how to make new friends their first year of college. The good news is every freshman is in the same situation. Many students are anxious to meet new people, and to make new friends.Attending school events, starting up conversations, even asking about a home work assignment can be a great way to meet new people. Many student should have no problem making new friends their first year of college. Students can become very over whelmed their first year of college. This may lead to different types of academic difficulties. Some students may face test anxiety, and difficulty concentrating. We will write a custom essay sample on First Year of College or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If a student feels over whelmed, they should meet with their advisor, or maybe seek tutoring by joining a study group.All students go through some academic difficulties, but they should always stay positive and seek the help they need. Overall, students go trough significant changes their first year of college. These changes can help students learn responsibilities and gain independence. Students also have to adjust to their new college life. College is a great place to meet new people, and make new friends. The first year of college can encourage students to prepare them selves for the real world, and future careers.